I’m browsing your site like an explorer
If you feel the desire to take your site to the next level, but are unsure of how to go about it, I can offer you an in-depth assessment of your platform, taking a close look at the essential elements that make it up.
Thanks to this detailed analysis, we’ll be able to identify opportunities for improvement and map out a clear path towards realizing your aspirations for an optimized, high-performance website.
Complete site analysis in PDF format
- Clear, intuitive navigation
- Visual impact
- Structured content
User experience (UX)
- Mobile friendly
- Checking for broken links
- Accessibility
Technical analysis
- Loading speed
- Site architecture
- URLS structure
- Internal linking
- easy navigation
- Indexing & exploration errors
- SSL Secure
- Sitemaps
Content analysis
- Content quality
- Keyword optimization
- Duplicate content
Backlink analysis
- Quality and quantity of backlinks (Analysis of links pointing to your site)
- Link profile (search for toxic links)
Other details
- Other details: favicon etc…