Guide to web design

Create effective calls to action

In the world of web design, calls to action, or CTAs, are super important. Ayudan a dirigir a sus visitantes hacia lo que usted quiere que hagan, ya sea suscribirse a un boletín, descargar un libro electrónico o comprar un producto.

CTAs are like signposts on your site. They tell people “Hey, click here for a great offer!” or “Sign up now so you don’t miss out”. Without them, your visitors can get lost and not know what to do next.

call to action - digitale expression
appel à l’action

Best practices

Your CTA should be eye-catching.

Place it in strategic locations, such as at the top of the page, at the end of an article, or in a pop-up window. Use colors that stand out from the rest of the page. Visibility is essential if your CTA is not to go unnoticed.

The text

The text of your CTA must be direct and inspire action. Use action verbs like “Download”, “Sign up” or “Buy now”. Avoid vague terms like “Click here”. Be specific and make it feel important. Using clear, catchy language is the key to capturing your visitors’ attention and prompting them to take action.

The design

El diseño de su CTA debe ser atractivo sin ser llamativo. Choose a legible font size and buttons large enough to be clicked easily, even on a phone. Borders, shadows and other small details can make your button more attractive. No olvide que la sencillez también puede ser eficaz. A busy button can be distracting.

Testing different CTA formats

is a great idea to see what works best. A/B testing can help you compare different versions of text, colors, sizes and positions. Look at what generates the most clicks and conversions, then adjust accordingly. It’s an ongoing process, requiring regular adjustments to adapt to changing user behavior.


Offering incentives is an effective way of improving the effectiveness of your CTAs. Messages like “Take advantage of 20% off” or “Try free for 30 days” add value and encourage users to act immediately. People love bargains and special offers, so don’t hesitate to use them to motivate your visitors.


Use analysis tools to measure the performance of your CTAs. Observe indicadores como la tasa de clics, la tasa de conversión y la tasa de abandono para obtener información valiosa. Analyze this data to understand what’s working and what needs to be improved. By measuring and analyzing the results, you can optimize your CTAs effectively.

Ensuring consistency

with your brand’s visual identity and tone is crucial. Your CTAs must blend in with the overall style of your site. Use the same button styles, colors and typography as on the rest of the page. This builds user confidence and enhances their experience.


Crear llamadas a la acción eficaces significa combinar un diseño intuitivo, un texto persuasivo y una estrategia basada en datos. By following these tips, you’ll be able to design CTAs that capture your users’ attention and prompt them to take action, thus contributing to the success of your website. Remember that CTA optimization is an ongoing process, so test, analyze and adjust regularly to achieve the best results.




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